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Keyword and On-Page Optimization

Keyword and On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization is the first step in SEO and keyword optimization is the first step of on-page optimization process. Keyword optimization is a process to make use of keywords on your site in a proper way at proper place. Keyword should be used in such a way that it not only enhances the readability of your page but it must also according to the taste of search engines.

Overloading your contents with so many keywords is not a good thing but excessive use some specific keyword is also not recommended while doing on-page optimization. It may pinch the reader or may make him bore. So keep a balance of both. Following steps and points should be followed while doing keyword optimization:

Choose proper keywords first. Keywords should be relevant to your site and site’s contents. But avoid creating bundles of keywords. Make your list precise. Choose long keywords i.e. chain of words, but not long enough. Just two or three words combination will be best. It makes the ranking process easy as competition is relatively easy to win with long keywords. If best matched keyword is not long, you can make it long by yourself with addition of words like- ‘new’, ‘best’, ‘super’, ‘top’, ‘quality’, ‘free’ etc.

Do a deep research about the keywords you chosen. You can take help from tools like Google AdWords Keyword Tool or you can use Google Webmaster Tools alternatively. There are other tools too which you can try.

Now use the keywords properly. Don’t overload your contents with excessive use of some specific keyword. It will distract the reader. Keeping the keyword density to a moderate level is the key to on-page optimization. If it is unavoidable, you can use synonyms or some related word instead. It will give a natural look to your contents and will definitely help in on-page optimization and hence in ranking objective.

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