SEO Content Tips

Month: April 2022

General Article

No Nonsense Copywriting Tips For Slow Sales Sites

No Nonsense Copywriting Tips For Slow Sales Sites

Is your website a dribbler? Do sales slowly dribble in? If so, chances are that the culprit behind the problem is your copy. Let me help you with the problem by giving …

General Article

Myths About On Page SEO

Myths About On Page SEO

On page SEO should not be overlooked as it is a vital part of overall SEO activities. Some people do this because of a few myths that are sometimes heard about this subject.

Search Engines …

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SEO Copywriters – 3 Skills That Can Exponentially Increase Your Freelance Writing Income

SEO Copywriters – 3 Skills That Can Exponentially Increase Your Freelance Writing Income

If you’re an SEO copywriter, you’re already in a very lucrative freelance writing niche. Following are three helpful tips that can increase your freelance writing income even …

General Article

Should I Switch to the Headway Theme?

Should I Switch to the Headway Theme?

I recently switched to the Headway Theme for WordPress. I was using a great studiopress theme, but had to switch to Headway since that is how I build sites for clients now. how …

General Article

Top Copywriting Tips to Boost Droopy Sales

Top Copywriting Tips to Boost Droopy Sales

Are you the owner of a dribbling website? Dribbling is when sales come in very slowly. If your site falls into this category I am willing to bet that the problem is your …

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WordPress Form Generators

WordPress Form Generators

WordPress is easily the most popular blogging platform around right now, but it is not exactly well known for being easy to add forms to. In fact, there many different form generating plug-ins for WordPress, but not …

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Why You Should Use WordPress For Your Website

Why You Should Use WordPress For Your Website

There are multiple web design companies offering their custom Content Management Systems (CMS), powerful hosting and search engine optimization services. Every company it trying to win clients by doing something different, but …

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Landing Page Optimization: How to Segment Your Traffic to Increase Conversions

Landing Page Optimization: How to Segment Your Traffic to Increase Conversions

One of the quickest and easiest ways to increase your landing page conversion rate is to figure out where your traffic is coming from (segment it), then speak to …

General Article

Salesmanship in Print

Salesmanship in Print

The Single Most Important Skill You Can Learn

Copywriting, sales-copy, sales-letters, ad-copy call it what you want, but “salesmanship in print” is in my humble opinion the single most important skill you can learn in your on-line …

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Why You Need a Custom WordPress Design

Why You Need a Custom WordPress Design

Getting a custom WordPress design could be among the best decisions you will ever make for your website most especially if you’re running a business site. A custom WordPress page design can substantially …

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The Role of Online Research and Copywriting Content

The Role of Online Research and Copywriting Content

It is no secret that people have a strong desire for high quality information. In fact millions of people surf the internet every day looking for it. The sad part about this …

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Number One Rankings – A Quick Look at a Slow Process

Number One Rankings – A Quick Look at a Slow Process

If you could grant anyone with an online business a wish, one of the wishes that you would hear more often than not is that they could secure a …

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Website

How to Get the Most Out of Your Website

Truly using your website for all promotions of your business is key. So you get yourself a website, and now you think your ready to conquer the world, or maybe your …

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Improve the Accessibility of A Website With Web Speed Optimisation

Improve the Accessibility of A Website With Web Speed Optimisation

A website is an integral aspect of any business firm. It acts as a window of the company to the niche audience. An increasing number of people are realizing the …

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Signs of an excellent SEO company

For any business working web-based, recruiting the best SEO Company is one significant stage towards prevailing in the virtual world and advanced commercial center. Not exclusively can working with a quality expert permit you to extend your scope on the …

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7 Copywriting Tips to Build Healthy Customer Relationships

7 Copywriting Tips to Build Healthy Customer Relationships

If you are a copywriter (or write ANY type of correspondence for a business) you understand the importance of clean, clear copy. Crisp, understandable copy promotes healthy customer/client relationships and eliminates misunderstandings. …

General Article

Website Copywriting Tips

Website Copywriting Tips

With the advent of the internet, things have changed in the world of copywriting. Though some techniques, like short sentence structures, have always been important to journalism and copywriting, other things are relatively new. The web has …