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What are the sources of staff recruitment?

When a company needs to fill vacancies, it begins a process called recruitment. This starts from the search for the most suitable candidates for a job position to the receipt of job applications.
To recruit personnel, there are different sources, these are the sites in which the human resources area can find the talents it needs for the available positions. Those are classified into internal sources, external sources and mixed sources.

Internal Sources

It refers to the fact that the available place can be opened for the current collaborators of the company. This represents for those a promotion of their positions or a horizontal transfer of their position.

A company, before hiring external personnel, has to evaluate the possibility that a member of its organization can carry out the position that is needed. For this, it is essential that you define the scope of the functions of the required position.

Internal recruiting is often beneficial for a company. This allows to motivate employees with the possibility of accessing a better position than the one they currently hold. For the same business, it also represents an advantage since it will be certain that it will continue to have trusted personnel in key positions of the company.

External Sources

When the position that needs to be filled does not have candidates within the same company, external sources are used. Within these there are different places to find future collaborators. The choice of the best platform will depend on the vacancy.

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These sources can be classified as regular and irregular. The regular ones can be accessed through job boards, such as Municipalities, Ministry of Labor, NGOs, social networks and more, virtual platforms, agreements with universities, consulting companies, referral program, etc. While the irregular can be WhatsApp groups created in order to help the relocation of staff in search of work.

Mixed Sources

Faced with the two previous sources, there is a synthesis of both. This alternative is usually the favorite of most businesses. An advantage of this modality is that it encourages the competitiveness of internal workers.

In some cases it is recommended that this modality be used not in a parallel search, but in stages. Thus, initially a company may seek to fill vacancies with internal sources and turn to external sources when the business needs cannot be covered with the first option.

When to outsource the recruitment process?

The ideal is to do it when you do not have an area for this purpose and you cannot invest in creating one. It is also convenient if you want to access a better database of external professionals or an unbiased selection of internal company candidates.

The companies that offer the personnel recruitment service, in addition to having an updated database of potential talents, also have a human team specialized in human resources, in addition to the necessary tools to carry out a transparent and transparent recruitment process. useful for every customer. Contact Staffing agency Monroe LA to find the new member of your team!