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Focus Your Attention on the Places Page and Connect With Customers

Focus Your Attention on the “Places Page” and Connect With Customers

Marketing a business during 2011 requires a new approach! Your competition has become much larger than just competing with other like businesses. Fortunately new technology featuring a “places page” can help you to overcome the obstacles.

A transformation is taking place regarding the way customers decide how and where to spend their hard earned dollars. Now is the time for business to update their marketing plan and shift from traditional advertising to mobile marketing.

Not so long ago you could advertise your business in the yellow pages, TV ads, magazines, newspaper, and computer search engines to reach customers. Although it cost you a lot of money, a properly managed and funded campaign would generate traffic to your business. NOT ANYMORE! These media outlets are all dying. What do you do when you want to find a business or product? Do you look to the yellow pages? NO, you conduct a search on the computer. Do you use a DVR to fast forward through commercials on TV? Do you read the newspaper online? Who has time for magazines and what business can afford to pay for advertising that doesn’t reach customers?

Search engines became the tool of choice to locate goods and services. Businesses have spent millions of dollars to get their business listed in the top locations. They are still a great way to research a business the only problem is the computer is at home. When using your laptop, the search engine thinks you are at home because of your personal computer settings. Mobile marketing is the key to reaching customers no matter where they are conducting a search.

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YOUR SMARTPHONE IS FAST BECOMING YOUR PERSONAL COMPUTER!Setting up a proper Google places page will allow you to reach customers and provide them information about your business. Focus your attention to the “Places Page” and connect with customers.

Smart Links Marketing specializes creating top quality places pages for business. Visit . To learn more about reaching today’s customer.