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How to Write a Novel Tips that You Should Try

For the people who already deal with literary works, it seems easy to write a novel. But for those who are in the first stage in writing, it will be more difficult. The complicated structures in writing maybe the reason why people don’t know where to start. But you can solve this problem of how to write a novel tips in here. It will not only focus on the boring structure discussion but also about the other things in making an effective writing. Check all the how to write a novel tips below.

Try to Think Differently for the Genre

Before starting your novel, you should make a preparation for what you will write later. It is because writing novel is very different with writing a short story. You must develop your idea well in creating a good long story. There are many genres available  but it is good for you to think differently in choosing the genre. Do not choose the common genre like romance. Try to use the other genre which attracts people to read or even discuss your novel. This is the number one of how to write a novel tips that you should follow.

Follow All the Components

As it is one of the reasons why people get difficulties in writing a novel, you still have to follow all the components in writing novel. It is because without following all the components, people who read your novel will not get point. That is why you must follow the number two of how to write a novel tips by putting all the components on your story.

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Commonly, there are two characters which are protagonist and antagonist. You can tell about the characters physically for more detail. While for the other components such as point of view, problem, and resolution, you can decide by yourself in making a good plot.

Read Your Novel Again

After following all the components, you can move on to the  number three of how to write a novel. It is preferable because you can conclude by yourself does the story easy to read or not. If you want to be more sure about your novel, you can ask for the other people to read your unfinished novel. It is very useful for you in following about how to write a novel tips in here.

Edit the Less Part

After re-read the whole story, you can edit the part which needs improvement. It is necessary to do in realizing a good novel which is easy to follow and understand. So, editing is the last step of how to write a novel tips that you should follow.