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SEO Copywriters – 3 Skills That Can Exponentially Increase Your Freelance Writing Income

SEO Copywriters – 3 Skills That Can Exponentially Increase Your Freelance Writing Income

If you’re an SEO copywriter, you’re already in a very lucrative freelance writing niche. Following are three helpful tips that can increase your freelance writing income even more in this sector.

Be a Trend Spotter: What is meant by this? For example, take Twitter, the social media site. It’s huge popular right now and many SEO copywriters can easily sell this service to their clients. Following is how and why.

Many clients who employ the services of an SEO writer know about internet marketing. Hence, they probably know about Twitter. However, what they may not know is how it can help their online marketing efforts. To sell the service to them, you can write up an explanatory e-pamphlet.

It doesn’t have to be long; 5-7 pages is sufficient. Convert it into a .pdf file and upload it to your site. Let prospects download it for free. Once prospects understand how Twitter can add to their bottom line, you’re halfway to making the sale.

Anticipate Client Needs: Clients will always tell you what they need. They’ll do so directly and indirectly. While their direct needs are easy to handle, it’s the indirect ones that can add even more to your bottom line as an SEO copywriter.

For example, let’s say you have a client who orders weekly SEO articles from you. You know the site; after all, you write content for it all the time.

BUT, you notice that there’s no blog. You can offer to start a blog for the client, doing weekly posts for them. Most SEO writing clients are very busy. Nine times out of ten, they already know they need a blog, but they probably just don’t have the time to start one.

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In order to entice them even more into saying yes, offer a “monthly blog pack” for one low price. This way, they can be assured of ongoing content for a good price.

Voila! You’ve increased your SEO writing income — and provided a much-needed service for your client.

Hiring Ability: If you’re an SEO copywriter, at some point in time you’re going to get busy. This is especially true if you market consistently because it doesn’t take much to land clients in this freelance writing niche.

This is one of the wonderful things about being an SEO copywriter — work is plentiful — and relatively easy to get if you know how to market. But, we digress.

Most SEO copywriters get to the point where they need to hire other freelance writers. So you need to be able to judge writing talent. For SEO writing, you should hire writers who understand what this niche is all about. Don’t be shy about asking for samples and references.

SEO copywriting is an extremely lucrative freelance writing job — even for those who are just starting out. It’s not uncommon to — on the low end — make $100 per day or more as an SEO copywriter. If you cultivate the skills discussed here, it can be much more.