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Online Money Making Tips – The Power Of A Sales Letter

Online Money Making Tips – The Power Of A Sales Letter

One of the most important things that you an have when it comes to selling your product/services online is a powerful sales letter. There is a lot that goes into internet marketing but your sales letter will be one of the most important factors when it comes to your success as an internet marketer.

It doesn’t really matter whether it is a sales letter for your own product or a one for somebody else. It needs to be a good one. A good sales page can be the difference between you getting 1 or 2 sales and getting 1.000-2.000 sales. This is a very true statement is very true. This is one of the main reason why a good copywriter charges a lot. These guys know what they are doing.

Before you start promoting any type of sales letter you should make sure that it has these key elements.

Compelling Headline – This is important because the headline is the first thing that visitors will see when they land on the page. Your headline needs to be eye catching. It should also make the visitor want to stay on the page and continue to read. A good way to find out if your sales letter headline is any good is to ask yourself, “Would I stay on this page?”. If you answer yes to this question then you are off to a good start.

Cold Hard Facts – I have seen so many sales letters that are so busy with all of the graphics and over hyping that they forget to give any real facts. No matter what you are selling you need to have some real information on the sales letter. Some simple bullet points or check marks will do the trick.

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A Call To Action – Just don’t have a “buy now” button. Your letter needs to tell the visitor why they should buy now. Telling why they should buy instead of just having a “buy now” button can really increase conversions.

You should make sure that whatever sales letter you are promoting has the above before doing so. Internet marketing does not have to be difficult. Learn from others and improve on your business every chance that you get. You will be glad that you did in the long run.