SEO Content Tips

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A 9 Step Checklist To Achieving Correct SEO On Page Optimization Even If You Are Brand New To SEO

A 9 Step Checklist To Achieving Correct SEO On Page Optimization Even If You Are Brand New To SEO

In this article I’m going to give you a 9 step checklist to achieving correct on page optimization for SEO ranking purposes. Regardless of if you are brand-new to SEO or have been in the game for a while this will help you if you do not know how to do on page optimization. Each of the 9 steps to complete will be listed with a number next to them.

So let’s get started with the 9 step check list.

1) H1 – The H1 tag is considered the title. This is listed as the header 1 inside of word press. Make sure your keyword is in your title and preferably the first part of the title.

2) H2 – Inside of your content, convert the keyword to a H2 tag. If you’re using WordPress you can highlight your keyword and change it to heading 2 setting to complete this part of the optimization process.

3) H3 – Heading three size is the closest size to regular font. Follow the same instructions as in the H2 tag and simply change one of the target keywords used inside of your article into heading three text.

4) Image – It’s always good to include an image on your website when creating a piece of content. When you upload the image it will ask you for an alternative keyword. Make sure you put your main keyword that you are targeting as the alternative keyword.

5) Meta description – If you’re using WordPress to create your content then all you need to do is find the section where it says meta description and enter a quick summary of what you would want Google to display your article as. Make sure you include your keyword inside of the description and preferably in the first sentence.

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6) First, last – When optimizing a piece of content it is important that the keyword goes in the very first sentence and the last sentence to be positioned correctly for the search engine bots and crawlers.

7) Interlinking pages – When creating content for correct on page optimization it is good to create a link inside of your article to a related website. This helps your on page optimization score.

8) 1-3% density – Include the targeted keyword inside of each piece of content in the 1 to 3% density range. For every 100 words use your keyword 1 to 3 times at the most. When using your keyword use it in a natural flow of words. Do not force feed your keyword into your content.

9) Bold – When you include the keywords inside of your content it is also important to use the bold feature and the italicized feature to target a few of your main keyword sprinkled throughout your article.