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SEO For Beginners – How to Optimize Your Website For High Rankings

SEO For Beginners – How to Optimize Your Website For High Rankings

The term SEO means nothing more than Search Engine Optimization. It is a technique to get your websites ranked high in the search engines for the keywords that you target. The higher your position in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), the more traffic you will receive on your site. Increased traffic usually leads to higher earnings, be it from affiliate sales or clicks on your PPC ads. Aiming for the highest possible position a keyword is every affiliate marketer’s number one goal when doing SEO.

SEO can be split in two parts. The first one is on-page optimization which tells you what to change right within your website’s source code. And there is the off-page optimization which is far more important and sometimes harder to deal with.

On-page optimization

This type of optimization is geared toward changes right within the underlying website code. It mainly includes putting meta tags and meta descriptions in your website source files and interlinking your pages correctly. The site code should also be as uncluttered as possible so that search engines can spider it easily. Lately major search engines even decide ranking of a website on load times. The faster the better is the motto.

Off-page optimization

The far more important part of search engine optimization is the off-page one. Off-page SEO consists mainly of building backlinks to your site in order to rank higher. SEO backlinks service are the main ranking factor of big search engines like Google for example. But it is not only the amount of sites linking back to your website that influence the ranking, but also the quality of these backlinks. A link from a site with a PageRank of 6 for example is literally a thousand times better than one from a PR0 site. A backlink should always contain the keyword you want to rank for in the anchor text.

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These two optimization techniques are the most important ones when doing SEO. If you follow the above fundamentals, chances are high that you will see better keyword rankings and increasing traffic to your website.