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The Three Essential WordPress SEO Tips You Need to Know

The Three Essential WordPress SEO Tips You Need to Know

If you want to know about WordPress SEO, then this is the article for you.

The internet today is incredibly accessible. Facebook, MySpace, and eye-friendly/user-friendly layouts of nearly every website makes the internet browsing experience an overall enjoyable experience. However, the internet wasn’t always like this.

With today’s internet, anyone can create a blog. Decide on a topic, do a little writing, make a few clicks with your mouse, and BAM. You’ve got a blog.

However, the internet wasn’t always like this. Back in the day, creating a blog or a website was a serious endeavor. Every aspect of your blog had to be painstakingly designed one character at a time. No Visual Fox pro or Dreamweaver back then!

Because creating a blog or a website is now so simple, people can create a website without understanding the intricacies and vital elements required.

One of these intricacies is SEO. Specifically, WordPress SEO.

Thought you might not think it at first, WordPress SEO is incredibly important if you want to get large amounts of traffic to your website. Why? Because you will have a rough time getting your website to the top of Google without proper on-page SEO.

Before you do ANYTHING, you’re going to want to do proper keyword research. Chances are, you already know which keywords you want to optimize for in your WordPress SEO endeavors, but double and triple check your competition to ensure that you can take that number one spot in Google.

After you pinpoint your main keyword phrase, target a few secondary keyword phrases. These keyword phrases should be related to your primary keyword phrase, but shouldn’t not have too much competition.

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After you’ve decided on the primary and secondary keyword phrases that you’d like to take over, you’ll want to make sure that your basic WordPress SEO setting are correct.

Go through your blog and make sure that your headings, subheadings and titles relate to your primary and secondary keyword phrases.

Now that you’ve taken care of your primary and secondary keyword phrases, it’s time to take the next WordPress SEO step. Content.

This is going to be an ongoing effort. Throughout your blogs posts, try to sprinkle your primary keyword and secondary keyword phrases throughout your blog posts.

WordPress SEO isn’t something you want to ignore. It seems like a small thing on paper, but it’s these small things that are going to put you ahead of your competition.