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Landing Page Optimization: How to Segment Your Traffic to Increase Conversions

Landing Page Optimization: How to Segment Your Traffic to Increase Conversions

One of the quickest and easiest ways to increase your landing page conversion rate is to figure out where your traffic is coming from (segment it), then speak to those who are actively seeking to make a purchase now.

Following is why this method is so effective and some tips for making it work for you.

Landing Page Optimization: Why Segmenting Your Traffic Works

Many times, landing pages are written and optimized from a “one-size-fits-all approach.” As in, when visitors land on the site, you want them all to respond to your call-to-action. So for example, if your landing page is written primarily to generate leads, it may be turning off your visitors who are ready to “buy now.”

Hence, by doing away with “conversion road blocks,” you can pretty easily increase your conversion rate.

How to Segment Your Visitor Traffic

The simplest way to figure out what stage potential prospects are in the buying process is to mine keyword data. As research has proven, the more specific prospects are in their searches, the more serious they tend to be about making a purchase. So focus on your long-tail keyword searches and see what you can glean.

For example, are prospects searching by brand? This could mean that they’ve made up their mind about needing a particular product/service. Now, they’re simply looking for the brand they want.

Are prospects searching by product? This could signal that a prospect is looking to see if you indeed sell what they need so they can do the final stages of their comparison shopping before making the purchase.

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Once you’ve made some educated guesses about your “ready to buy” prospects, then it’s time to test some calls-to-action to move them further along the sales funnel.

No matter how this test pans out, you will glean a lot of insight into your customers’ behavior, which you can use to improve your overall online marketing strategy.

But for the sake of argument, let’s say you’re right – your landing page ROI improves significantly. Now’s no time to become complacent. It’s time to dig deeper to maximize your results because not all prospects will respond to your first call to action – no matter how great it panned out for you.

What about those “ready to buy” prospects who didn’t respond? Will they respond to a different call to action? The only way to find out is to test it and see.

And this is what landing page optimization is all about – constantly mining customer data to better give them what they want.