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Your Freelance Copywriting Business – How Successful Do You Want to Be?

Your Freelance Copywriting Business – How Successful Do You Want to Be?

As a freelance copywriter, the success of your business is up to you. Take the time to review what’s happening in your business, then take action to achieve the success you want.

Once your business is up and running, you’ll fall into a rut.

You’ll tend to take on similar clients at similar rates and in specific industries. However, just because your last five clients have been in the Internet marketing industry, it doesn’t mean that you can’t get profitable clients in other industries, so let’s look at three questions to ask yourself to ensure your best success.

1. Are You Attracting the Clients You Want?

Most copywriters accept 90 percent of the clients who approach them. However, you get the best clients when you clearly define the types of clients you want.

At least once a year, look at your client list, and assess your clients. The 80/20 rule applies: 20 per cent of your clients will give you the most business. Chances are that these clients are also the easiest to work with.

Use your best clients to develop “good client” criteria, then market to attract more good clients.

2. What Do You Enjoy Writing?

Some copywriters enjoy writing short copy, like brochures, display advertising, and short sales letters. Other copywriters prefer longer projects: they’re comfortable working with development teams in creating a large websites, or writing product manuals, or video scripts.

If you’re not getting the kinds of projects you most enjoy, you’ll need to adjust your marketing, so that you find clients who can give you those kinds of projects.

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When you’re branching out in a new area, visit the outsourcing sites and take on several projects in your new area. These projects will give you some experience in your new area, as well as material for your portfolio.

3. Have You Set Financial Goals?

If you don’t take aim at target you can’t hit it. Set yourself monthly as well as yearly goals.

If you haven’t yet created goals for yourself, do that now. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes in your finances when you have goals and go all-out to achieve them.