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How Simple SEO Strategies Can Send You Unlimited Free Traffic

How Simple SEO Strategies Can Send You Unlimited Free Traffic

Ask any SEO pro or company and they’ll tell you that the key to unlocking all the free website traffic you can handle is done through high powered on page and off page optimization. To some, this sounds complicated and mysterious, but it’s really not.

For those that have wondered what these terms mean, here’s a little breakdown. First,with on page SEO a webmaster makes sure they use proper coding for their H1, H2 and H3 tags. They make sure that their web page title contains their best keywords.

Note- As far as on page SEO is concerned, having a great keyword rich title is the most important thing you can do. This tells the search engines what your website is all about. Your description, this is where you write a paragraph that sums up what your website offers people. These are best written for people and not the search engines, so it’s wise to write them almost like sales material.

Next are the keywords you have chosen to rank for. Here’s where you want to do so some keyword research ahead of time to get the best results. Simply guessing at which keywords are the best ones to use is a common newbie mistake and this can cost them lots of traffic.

While onpage SEO is still important, SEO companies will tell you that these factors account for only 20 to 30% of importance when it comes to how sites are ranked by the search engines.

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Now onto offpage optimization and why it’s the most important part of SEO for your website. Offpage SEO is done through high PR (page rank) authority sites and web 2.0 properties. There are a myriad of powerful websites that already have huge amounts of traffic and backlinks which hold lots of authority in the eyes of Google.

The way to “cheat” a little and get your content ranked is to place your content on these websites. You get to ride along or “piggyback” if you will on their rankings. By doing this, you can slingshot past other websites that don’t use these properties and virtually steal their rankings.

The cool part about offpage SEO is many of these huge authority sites allow you to place your content on them for free. In case you’re wondering just which websites are among the most powerful, here’s a few. EzineArticles is a huge and very established article website that can help get your articles indexed into Google quickly and they are very effective to submit to.

You have different press release sites like PR Web, PRlog, Webwire and others. Websites like Squidoo, HubPages, Zimbio, WetPaint, and Weebly are some other examples. The main benefit of using off page and onpage SEO is that it can provide you with years of free organic website traffic. Your articles, press releases, videos and other content can remain in the search engines for years.

The is what’s known as residual traffic and it’s very effective to use. Internet marketers and anyone who’s looking for allot of website traffic should use the search engines for free traffic, because paying for traffic can be very expensive and many people go broke this way.

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