SEO Content Tips


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How to Drive Traffic To Your Site With Easy SEO Techniques You Can Do Yourself

How to Drive Traffic To Your Site With Easy SEO Techniques You Can Do Yourself

It used to be that you could build it… and they would come. But with millions of web sites and billions of pages on the …

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Copywriter Jobs

Copywriter Jobs

If you have experienced too many bounces coming out from user’s visits in your website, something must be wrong with your contents. The usual thing that probably is happening is that users have found no relevance in your …

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How to Optimize Every Page Title on Your Web Site For Search Engines and Visitors

How to Optimize Every Page Title on Your Web Site For Search Engines and Visitors

The page title is one of the most important aspects of search engine optimization. Why? Because each page title appears as the “headline” in a …

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Landing Page Optimization Techniques: Learn How to Be More Visible on the Web Sans Stressful Effort

Landing Page Optimization Techniques: Learn How to Be More Visible on the Web Sans Stressful Effort

For many internet marketers, the landing page plays a big impact on their ROI from advertising. While a land page that performs poorly will …

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The Three Essential WordPress SEO Tips You Need to Know

The Three Essential WordPress SEO Tips You Need to Know

If you want to know about WordPress SEO, then this is the article for you.

The internet today is incredibly accessible. Facebook, MySpace, and eye-friendly/user-friendly layouts of nearly every website …

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5 Ways to Improve Your Copy and Boost Your Online Business

5 Ways to Improve Your Copy and Boost Your Online Business

Content is the mother of any online business. It gives a website his weight and fills the spaces in its structure. Anyway, you could dispose of the best quality …

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Thesis Theme For Websites

Thesis Theme For Websites

Are you serious about getting the most out of your WordPress site? If so, the Thesis theme is something something you should be using. Thesis is very easy to use for beginners, but fully customizable for …

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On Page SEO Best Practices

On Page SEO Best Practices

Optimizing a web site is like placing your business downtown. When it comes to offline practices, all businesses try to choose a high interest location: inside a business center, in a mall or on a …

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Which Blog Platform Shall I Choose?

Which Blog Platform Shall I Choose?

Newbies to blogging often ask the question “which blog platform should I choose?” and rightly so- there are loads of options available. I’m going to help you out and simplify the choice down to …

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5 Benefits of Having a United States Green Card

Each year, the United States government issues more than one million Green Cards. Most were awarded to family members of United States citizens and current Green Card holders, followed by workers from other countries seeking work in the United States …

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Copywriting For the Web – Use the Buying Cycle to Make More Sales

Copywriting For the Web – Use the Buying Cycle to Make More Sales

Want to write sales-generating Web copy? Web copywriting is very different from copywriting for print media. It’s more immediate, and more narrowly targeted as well. Here’s a …

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7 Tips For How to Sell With Words and Pictures

7 Tips For How to Sell With Words and Pictures

People who write articles and build websites to sell products or services on the internet can learn everything about the craft of copywriting from the direct marketing legends. When a …

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Things You Should Do For Your Blogs

Things You Should Do For Your Blogs

Make sure to update your blog frequently and with the good relevant content, which links to the other internal as well as external resources. Make the blogs very interesting and take in photos …

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How To Get Better Rankings For Your Health Related Website

How To Get Better Rankings For Your Health Related Website

How to get better rankings for your Health related website?

Getting links from related websites is the best thing you can do for your Health website. As we have seen …

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Tips for Completing Thesis Quickly

Writing a thesis can be said as the ultimate struggle to get a master’s degree. Most master’s degree students are taken by students who are already actively working, although there are still those who have not worked because they continue …

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The Secrets For Fast Profitable Copywriting

The Secrets For Fast Profitable Copywriting

Many people consider that writing copy for the web is difficult and best left to the professionals. With a little common sense, anyone can easily write compelling salescopy. All you need to do to …

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8 Benefits of Online Learning as the Latest Learning Method

In recent years, online learning or e-learning methods have begun to be promoted by various groups. This method is considered to be an alternative for a more flexible and practical learning process and is preferred by the current generation of …

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Tips for Effective and Efficient Online Learning in a Pandemic Period

During pandemic times like now, not only parents do work from home, but students to students also learn from home. Of course, with the learning method at home due to the pandemic, we need an effective and efficient way of …

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Copywriting Tips – Does It Pay To Offer Discounts?

Copywriting Tips – Does It Pay To Offer Discounts?

There is one very big downside to copywriting, which is why I won’t ever allow it to be my main source of income. If you don’t write, you don’t get paid. …

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Copywriting Tips – Should You Ask Your Prospect Their Budget?

Copywriting Tips – Should You Ask Your Prospect Their Budget?

Somebody at the Warrior Forum asked in a thread if it bothered you when a copywriter asked you for your budget. Well, the answers came fast and furious. It appeared …

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How to Write Your Own Copy – A Quick Guide

How to Write Your Own Copy – A Quick Guide

Should You Go it Alone?

Not everyone has the budget (or hours) to outsource their copywriting. This is especially true of small businesses; such enterprises want to minimise their expenditure …

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Copywriting Tips – Are You Sure You Want to Be a Copywriter?

Copywriting Tips – Are You Sure You Want to Be a Copywriter?

The grass is always greener on the other side. If that isn’t one of the biggest cliches in the world, I’ll eat my hat. Truth is, there is …

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Improve Your Search Engine Rankings With Off-Page Optimization Techniques

Improve Your Search Engine Rankings With Off-Page Optimization Techniques

The paradigm of internet marketing has been transformed at the greater extent with the inception of search engine optimization techniques. SEO experts therefore apply a number of unique tools and techniques …

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The Four U Formula to Writing Intriguing Headlines

The Four U Formula to Writing Intriguing Headlines

It’s no secret that nearly 80% of people who stumble upon your words will never get past the headline.

People are busy and are constantly in a state of information overload. Rather …

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SEO – On-Site Optimization With Internal Links

SEO – On-Site Optimization With Internal Links

Most webmasters dealing with website optimization are focused on keywords, header tags, meta tags, building backlinks, etc. Baclinks have two very important properties: anchor text and “nofollow” attribute. Both properties define quality and …

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Copywriting Tips – Five Tips to Write More Persuasive Copy

Copywriting Tips – Five Tips to Write More Persuasive Copy

Here are five simple, yet effective tips to help you write more persuasive copy.

Number One:

Always write “to” your reader and not “at” them. Your copy should relate well …

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The difference between the annual zakah (obligatory charity) and the zakat al-fitr

The difference between the annual zakah (obligatory charity) and the zakat al-fitr (charity given at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan)

Praise God.

Praise be allah
Yes, the obligatory charity (zakah) that constitutes one of the pillars of …

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Copywriting – How to Be Booked Solid For Months Ahead

Copywriting – How to Be Booked Solid For Months Ahead

Copywriting is a wonderful career. There’s no ceiling on your income, and whatever the economic situation, businesses will always need a copywriter. If you’re just starting out, let’s look at …

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Handy Tips To Become Successful In Landing Page Optimization

Handy Tips To Become Successful In Landing Page Optimization

Pre-selling your affiliate products are a must and this can be done effectively with the help of landing page optimization. The first rule of thumb is that you should not be …

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Advice About Landscaping You Must Know About

To make your home attractive, it must have great landscaping. It can take some dedication to learn how to best landscape your property. It is necessary to research the best landscaping strategies and techniques. This article is packed with useful …

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Canonicalization (On Page Optimization of Duplicate Contents)

Canonicalization (On Page Optimization of Duplicate Contents)

Canonicalization is a process of picking the best URL when there are several choices.Canonical attributes are used in link tag to tell search engines that the content is duplicate and is not required …

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Copy Writing Tips To Making More Money Online

Copy Writing Tips To Making More Money Online

Our economy has been in sorry shape and this has forced many people into seeking out ways to earn additional money. The Internet has opened up a whole new world of marketing …

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How to Choose the Best Keyword for On-Page Optimization

How to Choose the Best Keyword for On-Page Optimization

Means to find good keywords:

“Keywords” are the words that your potential customer associates with your product or service. You should know what the reader is likely to type into the …

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Writing a Sales Letter – 8 Tips to Write Effectively

Writing a Sales Letter – 8 Tips to Write Effectively

Sending out some sales letter is one of the methods in marketing your business online and increase your sales. Of course, you are communicating directly to a potential customer, and …

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Tips for Choosing the Most Appropriate Tutoring for You

Entering the new school year is the right time to determine a tutoring (bimbel). Especially for students who are about to enter their final year at school. Usually both students and parents want more study time. The goal is to …

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Copywriting Tips – Sensational Headline Tips

Copywriting Tips – Sensational Headline Tips

This article is actually going to serve two purposes. The first is to give you some tips on writing sensational headlines. The second is to serve as a warning to new copywriters to be …

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5 Easy Steps to Developing Employees

Employee development is one of the company’s ways to achieve success. This is indeed not an easy task because usually company leaders focus too much on improving product quality but pay less attention to their employees. Moreover, there are still …

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Tips For Getting Your Blog to Post Automatically to Facebook

Tips For Getting Your Blog to Post Automatically to Facebook

If you are looking at automatically posting your blog post to Facebook, then this article will help you achieve this in less than 5 minutes.

In the next few minutes, …

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Creating Membership Sites – WordPress + Wishlist = Your Membership Success!

Creating Membership Sites – WordPress + Wishlist = Your Membership Success!

Membership Sites are a hot item just now, with many people creating new sites to share information with their communities. There are many types of memberships and ways to …

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Copywriting Tips – Wants And Needs

Copywriting Tips – Wants And Needs

One thing that beginning copywriters have a lot of trouble with is really understanding the difference between wants and needs and how to get this across in their copy. This article is going to …

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SEO for a CEO – Tips and Tricks For Page Optimization

SEO for a CEO – Tips and Tricks For Page Optimization

Is your page optimized for search? Remember that each page of your website (unless you’ve told the bots not to index it in your file) is an advertisement for …

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Search Marketing Optimization – How to Do on Page Optimization

Search Marketing Optimization – How to Do on Page Optimization

The foundation of good search engine marketing practices begins with your on page optimization. You must create high quality landing pages which are relevant to what your audience is looking …

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5 Essential Techniques for Effective Content Marketing

5 Essential Techniques for Effective Content Marketing

Content Marketing is the creation of useful content that has a marketing purpose.

For example, your company may create an awesome special report, a series of email lessons, or a free eBook and …

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The 5 Best Copywriting Tips You Will Ever Find

The 5 Best Copywriting Tips You Will Ever Find

If you are looking to become a copywriter as a part-time job, or you are looking to write a sales letter for your own product or service then keep reading. Whether …

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Copywriting Tips – Bits and Pieces

Copywriting Tips – Bits and Pieces

I often get asked what the best way to tackle a sales letter is. Truth is, there is no best way. Each sales letter is different. A lot depends on the product itself. For …

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What are the sources of staff recruitment?

When a company needs to fill vacancies, it begins a process called recruitment. This starts from the search for the most suitable candidates for a job position to the receipt of job applications.
To recruit personnel, there are different sources, …

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Copywriting Tips – When is it Good Enough?

Copywriting Tips – When is it Good Enough?

Okay, here’s one for you to chew on for a while. When is your sales letter good enough? Is there such a thing as good enough? How much does it matter? Do …

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Direct Response Copywriting – Why Customers Go Astray

Direct Response Copywriting – Why Customers Go Astray

Ever put together such an incredible offer… and yet, it doesn’t sell very well? Wanna know why this happens?

You might have really sat down and scratched your head over this, and …

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The Art of Copywriting Tips – What it Can Do For You

The Art of Copywriting Tips – What it Can Do For You

Copywriting is so hard for many, and let’s talk about some elements of good copywriting tips and skills and go over them in more detail. Try to write …